Mindful Co-working: Be confident, Happy and Productive in Your Working Relationships

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Author : Baim, clark

Categories : Management

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Mindful Co-working: Be confident, Happy and Productive in Your Working Relationships

ACNO T02782
Call No. 650.13 BAI
Copies 1
Location Professional Development
Cir. Type Departmental
ISBN 9781849054133
Publisher Jessoca Kingsley Publishers
Pub. Year 2014
Edition 1
Warning No Alert Message
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Language 英文
Subject Management
Purchase Date 2017-11-17
Price 0
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Book Information

ACNO T02782
Call No. 650.13 BAI
Location Professional Development
Cir. Type Departmental
ISBN 9781849054133
Publisher Jessoca Kingsley Publishers
Pub. Year 2014
Edition 1

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